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copy right info removed due to display issues - Nov. 2011

.file "mbr.S"


* Memory layout:
* 0x07C00 -> 0x07DFF BIOS loads us here (at 31k)
* 0x07E00 -> 0x17BFC our stack (to 95k)
* 0x07A00 -> 0x07BFF we relocate to here (at 30k5)
* 0x07C00 -> 0x07DFF we load PBR here (at 31k)
* The BIOS loads us at physical address 0x07C00. We use a long jmp to
* normalise our address to seg:offset 07C0:0000. We then relocate to
* 0x07A00, seg:offset 07A0:0000.
* We use a long jmp to normalise our address to seg:offset 07A0:0000
* We set the stack to start at 07C0:FFFC (grows down on i386)
* The partition boot record (PBR) loads /boot at seg:offset 4000:0000

AT&T 汇编风格
命令 源地址,目的地址

mov $1, %eax (将数字1存入eax寄存器)

INTEL 汇编风格
命令 目的地址,源地址

mov eax, 1 (将数字1存入eax寄存器)


#define BOOTSEG 0x7c0 /* segment where we are loaded */
#define BOOTRELOCSEG 0x7a0 /* segment where we relocate to */
#define BOOTSTACKOFF 0xfffc /* stack starts here, grows down */
#define PARTSZ 16 /* each partition table entry is 16 bytes */

#define CHAR_LBA_READ '.'
#define CHAR_CHS_READ ';'
#define CHAR_CHS_FORCE '!'
#define CHAR_SHIFT_SEEN 0x07 /* Use BEL */

#define MBR_FLAGS_FORCE_CHS 0x0001

#ifdef DEBUG
#define CHAR_S 'S' /* started */
#define CHAR_R 'R' /* relocated */
#define CHAR_L 'L' /* looking for bootable partition */
#define CHAR_B 'B' /* loading boot */
#define CHAR_G 'G' /* jumping to boot */

#define DBGMSG(c) movb $c, %al; call Lchr
#else /* !DEBUG */
#define DBGMSG(c)
#endif /* !DEBUG */

/* Clobbers %al - maybe more */
#define putc(c) movb $c, %al; call Lchr

/* Clobbers %esi - maybe more */
#define puts(s) movw $s, %si; call Lmessage


.globl start

/* Adjust %cs to be right */
/* ljmp syntax: ljmp $segment,$offset
* after this %cs will be $BOOTSEG(0x07c0),
* %IP will be whichever address the following 1: local label has
* $1f means (the address of) a local label named "1" in forward
* direction (f)

/* here is what I got when asked in openbsd misc maillist about "$1f"  */

/* from (thanks!)

One of the first things an MBR does is do a long jump from where the BIOS
loaded it.

The thing is, often you can't trust the BIOS to do the right thing, the x86 in
16-bit real mode uses segmented memory, so you may be at 0000:07C0 or 7C00:0000
depending on the implementation. If you read the comment higher up you'll see
they perform a long jump to "normalize" the Code Segment to 07C0, offset 0.

0000:07C0 and 7C00:0000 technically resolve to the same address, but enforcing
segment:offset (cs:ip) just makes things consistent.

The references to ":1" is a local label, used for relative addressing, 'f'
meaning forward and 'b' meaning backward.

Most MBR's are OS-independent, they relocate, parse partition table, load the
PBR/VBR to 7C00 and perform a ljmp to it.

Hope that helps,


ljmp $BOOTSEG, $1f

/* Set up stack */
/* means to set %ss and %sp register,
* which, combined, points to the top of the stack */

movw %cs, %ax
/* %ax is now 0x7c0*/

* We don't need to disable and re-enable interrupts around the
* the load of ss and sp.
* From 80386 Programmer's Reference Manual:
* "A MOV into SS inhibits all interrupts until after the execution
* of the next instruction (which is presumably a MOV into eSP)"
* According to Hamarsoft's 86BUGS list (which is distributed with
* Ralph Brown's Interrupt List), some early 8086/88 processors
* failed to disable interrupts following a load into a segment
* register, but this was fixed with later steppings.
* Accordingly, this code will fail on very early 8086/88s, but
* nick@ will just have to live with it. Others will note that
* we require an 80386 (or compatible) or above processor, anyway.
/* cli */
movw %ax, %ss

/* %ss is now 0x7c0*/

/* %sp registre is now 0xfffc, now the top of the stack is 07c0:fffc  */
/* sti */ /* XXX not necessary; see above */

/* Set up data segment */
movw %ax, %ds

* On the PC architecture, the boot record (originally on a floppy
* disk) is loaded at 0000:7C00 (hex) and execution starts at the
* beginning.
* When hard disk support was added, a scheme to partition disks into
* four separate partitions was used, to allow multiple operating
* systems to be installed on the one disk. The boot sectors of the
* operating systems on each partition would of course expect to be
* loaded at 0000:7C00.
* The first sector of the hard disk is the master boot record (MBR).
* It is this which defines the partitions and says which one is
* bootable. Of course, the BIOS loads the MBR at 0000:7C00, the
* same location where the MBR needs to load the partition boot
* record (PBR, called biosboot in OpenBSD).
* Therefore, the MBR needs to relocate itself before loading the PBR.
* Make it so.
movw %ax, %es
xorw %si, %si
xorw %di, %di
movw $0x200, %cx /* Bytes in MBR, relocate it all */

/* Jump to relocated self */
ljmp $BOOTRELOCSEG, $reloc

/* Set up %es and %ds */
pushw %ds
popw %es /* next boot is at the same place as we were loaded */
pushw %cs
popw %ds /* and %ds is at the %cs */

#ifdef SERIAL
/* Initialize the serial port to 9600 baud, 8N1.
xorw %ax, %ax
movb $0xe3, %ax
movw $SERIAL, %dx
int $0x14

* If the SHIFT key is held down on entry, force CHS read

* BIOS call "INT 0x16 Get Keyboard Shift Flags
* Call with %ah = 0x02
* Return:
* %al = shift flags
* %ah - undefined by many BIOSes
movb $0x02, %ah
int $0x16
testb $0x3, %al /* Either shift key down? */
jz no_shift

putc(CHAR_SHIFT_SEEN) /* Signal that shift key was seen */


/* BIOS passes us drive number in %dl
* XXX - This is not always true. We currently check if %dl
* points to a HD, and if not we complain, and set it to point
* to the first HDD. Note, this is not 100% correct, since
* there is a possibility that you boot from HD #2, and still
* get (%dl & 0x80) == 0x00, these type of systems will lose.
testb $0x80, %dl
jnz drive_ok

/* MBR on floppy or old BIOS
* Note: MBR (this code) should never be on a floppy. It does
* not belong there, so %dl should never be 0x00.
* Here we simply complain (should we?), and then hardcode the
* boot drive to 0x80.

/* If we are passed bogus data, set it to HD #1
movb $0x80, %dl

/* Find the first active partition.
* Note: this should be the only active partition. We currently
* don't check for that.
movw $pt, %si

movw $NDOSPART, %cx
movb (%si), %al

cmpb $DOSACTIVE, %al
je found

addw $PARTSZ, %si
loop find_active

/* No bootable partition */
movw $enoboot, %si

call Lmessage

sti /* Ensure Ctl-Alt-Del will work */
hlt /* (don't require power cycle) */
/* Just to make sure */
jmp stay_stopped

* Found bootable partition


/* Store the drive number (from %dl) in decimal */
movb %dl, %al
andb $0x0F, %al
addb $'0', %al
movb %al, drive_num

* Store the partition number, in decimal.
* We started with cx = 4; if found we want part '0'
* cx = 3; part '1'
* cx = 2; part '2'
* cx = 1; part '3'
* We'll come into this with no other values for cl.
movb $'0'+4, %al
subb %cl, %al
movb %al, part_num

* Tell operator what partition we're trying to boot.
* Using drive X, partition Y
* - this used to be printed out after successfully loading the
* partition boot record; we now print it out before
pushw %si
movw $info, %si
testb $MBR_FLAGS_FORCE_CHS, flags
jnz 1f
incw %si
call Lmessage
popw %si

* Partition table entry format:
* 0x00 BYTE boot indicator (0x80 = active, 0x00 = inactive)
* 0x01 BYTE start head
* 0x02 WORD start cylinder, sector
* 0x04 BYTE system type (0xA6 = OpenBSD)
* 0x05 BYTE end head
* 0x06 WORD end cylinder, sector
* 0x08 LONG start LBA sector
* 0x0C LONG number of sectors in partition
* In the case of a partition that extends beyond the 8GB boundary,
* the LBA values will be correct, the CHS values will have their
* maximums (typically (C,H,S) = (1023,255,63)).
* %ds:%si points to the active partition table entry.

/* We will load the partition boot sector (biosboot) where we
* were originally loaded. We'll check to make sure something
* valid comes in. So that we don't find ourselves, zero out
* the signature at the end.
movw $0, %es:signature(,1)

* Have we been instructed to ignore LBA?
testb $MBR_FLAGS_FORCE_CHS, flags
jnz do_chs

* We will use the LBA sector number if we have LBA support,
* so find out.

* BIOS call "INT 0x13 Extensions Installation Check"
* Call with %ah = 0x41
* %bx = 0x55AA
* %dl = drive (0x80 for 1st hd, 0x81 for 2nd, etc)
* Return:
* carry set: failure
* %ah = error code (0x01, invalid func)
* carry clear: success
* %bx = 0xAA55 (must verify)
* %ah = major version of extensions
* %al (internal use)
* %cx = capabilities bitmap
* 0x0001 - extnd disk access funcs
* 0x0002 - rem. drive ctrl funcs
* 0x0004 - EDD functions with EBP
* %dx (extension version?)

movb %dl, (%si) /* Store drive here temporarily */
/* (This call trashes %dl) */
* XXX This is actually the correct
* place to store this. The 0x80
* value used to indicate the
* active partition is by intention
* the same as the BIOS drive value
* for the first hard disk (0x80).
* At one point, 0x81 would go here
* for the second hard disk; the
* 0x80 value is often used as a
* bit flag for testing, rather
* than an exact byte value.
movw $0x55AA, %bx
movb $0x41, %ah
int $0x13

movb (%si), %dl /* Get back drive number */

jc do_chs /* Did the command work? Jump if not */
cmpw $0xAA55, %bx /* Check that bl, bh exchanged */
jne do_chs /* If not, don't have EDD extensions */
testb $0x01, %cl /* And do we have "read" available? */
jz do_chs /* Again, use CHS if not */

* BIOS call "INT 0x13 Extensions Extended Read"
* Call with %ah = 0x42
* %dl = drive (0x80 for 1st hd, 0x81 for 2nd, etc)
* %ds:%si = segment:offset of command packet
* Return:
* carry set: failure
* %ah = error code (0x01, invalid func)
* command packet's sector count field set
* to the number of sectors successfully
* transferred
* carry clear: success
* %ah = 0 (success)
* Command Packet:
* 0x0000 BYTE packet size (0x10 or 0x18)
* 0x0001 BYTE reserved (should be 0)
* 0x0002 WORD sectors to transfer (max 127)
* 0x0004 DWORD seg:offset of transfer buffer
* 0x0008 QWORD starting sector number
movb $CHAR_LBA_READ, %al
call Lchr

/* Load LBA sector number from active partition table entry */
movl 8(%si), %ecx
movl %ecx, lba_sector

pushw %si /* We'll need %si later */

movb $0x42, %ah
movw $lba_command, %si
int $0x13

popw %si /* (get back %si) flags unchanged */

jnc booting_os /* If it worked, run the pbr we got */

* LBA read failed, fall through to try CHS read

* BIOS call "INT 0x13 Function 0x2" to read sectors from disk into
* memory
* Call with %ah = 0x2
* %al = number of sectors
* %ch = cylinder & 0xFF
* %cl = sector (0-63) | rest of cylinder bits
* %dh = head
* %dl = drive (0x80 for hard disk)
* %es:%bx = segment:offset of buffer
* Return:
* carry set: failure
* %ah = err code
* %al = number of sectors transferred
* carry clear: success
* %al = 0x0 OR number of sectors transferred
* (depends on BIOS!)
* (according to Ralph Brown Int List)
movb $CHAR_CHS_READ, %al
call Lchr

/* Load values from active partition table entry */
movb 1(%si), %dh /* head */
movw 2(%si), %cx /* sect, cyl */
movw $0x201, %ax /* function and number of blocks */
xorw %bx, %bx /* put it at %es:0 */
int $0x13
jnc booting_os

movw $eread, %si
jmp err_stop


* Make sure the pbr we loaded has a valid signature at the end.
* This also ensures that something did load where we were expecting
* it, as there's still a copy of our code there...
cmpw $DOSMBR_SIGNATURE, %es:signature(,1)
jne missing_os

/* jump to the new code (%ds:%si is at the right point) */
ljmp $0, $BOOTSEG << 4
/* not reached */

movw $enoos, %si
jmp err_stop

* Display string
pushw %ax
lodsb /* %al = *%si++ */
testb %al, %al
jz 1f
call Lchr
jmp 1b

* Lchr: write the error message in %ds:%si to console
pushw %ax

#ifdef SERIAL
pushw %dx
movb $0x01, %ah
movw SERIAL, %dx
int $0x14
popw %dx
pushw %bx
movb $0x0e, %ah
movw $1, %bx
int $0x10
popw %bx
1: popw %ax

/* command packet for LBA read of boot sector */
.byte 0x10 /* size of command packet */
.byte 0x00 /* reserved */
.word 0x0001 /* sectors to transfer, just 1 */
.word 0 /* target buffer, offset */
.word BOOTSEG /* target buffer, segment */
.long 0, 0 /* sector number */

/* Info messages */
info: .ascii "!Using drive "
.byte 'X'
.ascii ", partition "
.asciz "Y"

/* Error messages */
efdmbr: .asciz "MBR on floppy or old BIOS\r\n"
eread: .asciz "\r\nRead error\r\n"
enoos: .asciz "No O/S\r\n"
enoboot: .ascii "No active partition" /* runs into crlf... */
crlf: .asciz "\r\n"


/* We're going to store a flags word here */

. = 0x1b4
.word 0x0000
.ascii "Ox" /* Indicate that the two bytes */
/* before us are the flags word */

/* (MBR) NT disk signature offset */
. = 0x1b8
.space 4, 0

/* partition table */
/* flag, head, sec, cyl, type, ehead, esect, ecyl, start, len */
. = DOSPARTOFF /* starting address of partition table */
.byte 0x0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.long 0,0
.byte 0x0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.long 0,0
.byte 0x0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.long 0,0
.byte DOSACTIVE,0,1,0,DOSPTYP_OPENBSD,255,255,255
.long 0,0x7FFFFFFF
/* the last 2 bytes in the sector 0 contain the signature */
. = 0x1fe
. = 0x200




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